About Me


My name is Mike Rogers.

I’ve worked in software for at least 15 years at this point. Embedded, desktop, individual web pages, enterprise applications… you name it, I’ve introduced a defect into it, usually about timezones.

I live on a small farm in central Indiana with my wife, Sara, and our two kids (Finn and Evey). We’re surrounded by various dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, goats, horses, and our neighbors have sheep and cows. So we smell great at all times.

When I’m not softing wares, I enjoy reading about languages and playing banjo or piano.

I have given a few conference talks:

  • At the first Agile Alliance Technical Conference (2016) on TDD in Embedded C
  • At the first Indy.code() by Amegala and Cincinnati Day of Agile (2017) on Safety in Estimation
  • At the second Indy.code() by Amegala (2018) I tried two different talks:
    • Retrospectives: the agile ur-practice
    • Embracing the Mob mentality

I have had one article published by the Pragmatic Programmer magazine PragPub (July 2015) on Mutation Testing.

Oh and I am a Certified Scrum Master and Certified Scrum Product Owner, at least until January 6, 2022.